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Bosch chief highlights green opportunities

UK business should embrace the environment as an innovation challenge, not regard it as a threat, according to Peter Fouquet, President of Bosch in the UK. 
 1 Nov 2010

Industry experts meet to fast-track green infrastructure

A new UK Green Building Council (UK-GBC) task group has met for the first time in a bid to cut costs and improve delivery of district heating and other types of sustainable community infrastructure. 
 1 Nov 2010

Spending review 'will increase demand for energy efficient technologies'

Demand for energy efficiency technology set to soar as UK firms face impacts of Government's changes to carbon legislation, says Sabien Technology. 
 29 Oct 2010

Contractors risk liability over minimum wage rules

As TUC general secretary Brendan Barber calls for minimum wage to increase 21p to £6.14 per hour, tax consultant Accountax has warned of "the significant risk" already facing the construction industry following the introduction on October 1, 2010 of the National Minimum Wage (NMW). 
 29 Oct 2010

Dimplex welcomes CSR announcement on RHI

Dimplex has welcomed the announcement in the government's Comprehensive Spending Review that the Renewable Heat Incentive will be introduced as planned in 2011. 
 29 Oct 2010

Training firm helps defuse F-Gas timebomb

With experts estimating that 35,000 gas engineers still need to update their accreditation before the new F-Gas legislation comes into force in July 2011, Develop Training has launched a new e-learning training package. 
 29 Oct 2010

Cosaf supports Bolton charity

HVAC installer Cosaf has pledged its support to local charity 'KiDs of Bolton'. The charity, launched by Bolton Wanderers captain and newly selected England player, Kevin Davies, was established to give young people in the Bolton area a chance to get involved with activities, particularly sport, without the burden of financial restrictions. 
 29 Oct 2010

Daikin reveals five new 'dealers'

Daikin UK has confirmed rumours that it has signed a series of new "dealerships". 
 28 Oct 2010

Heatrae Sadia appoints commercial director

Steve Rickards has been appointed commercial director for Heatrae Sadia Heating and Baxi Group New Build & New Design. 
 27 Oct 2010

Sector makes guarded response to CSR

The Government's long-awaited Comprehensive Spending review was announced last month. Reactions to it have been mixed, as the following quotes illustrate: 
 27 Oct 2010

HEVAR takes to the national stage

Following extensive consultations with the hvac industry, the HEVAR team has announced that the HEVAR exhibition will move to the NEC in Birmingham in May next year. 
 26 Oct 2010

New chairman for European energy group

Kjeld Staerk of Danfoss in Denmark is the new chairman of the European Partnership for Energy and the Environment (EPEE), representing the refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump industry in Europe. 
 25 Oct 2010

Fernox joins Heat Pump Association

Water treatment manufacturer Fernox has become the first chemical water treatment company to become a member of the Heat Pump Association (HPA). 
 25 Oct 2010

BEAMA welcomes Whitehall's RHI commitment

The British Electrotechnical and Allied Manufacturers Association (BEAMA) has welcomed the Government's sustained commitment to develop the renewable heat market by announcing its intention to launch the Renewable Heat Incentive from June 2011. 
 22 Oct 2010

New chairman for Fan Manufacturers Association

Members of the Fan Manufacturers Association (FMA) have elected Mark Jones, managing director of industrial fan manufacturer Woodcock & Wilson, as their new chairman. 
 22 Oct 2010

Polypipe appointments

Polypipe Terrain has made three new appointments. Martyn Turton has been appointed regional sales manager for Polypipe Rainstream, Bill Ross is business development director for Terrain HydroMax and Chris Moyes is business development manager for the public sector. 
 22 Oct 2010

'StreetwiseSubbie' sub-contractor support initiative launched

A new initiative designed for specialist sub-contractors working in the construction and engineering industries signed up its first businesses this week. 
 22 Oct 2010

Vaillant Group declared 'master of manufacturing'

Vaillant Group has won two accolades at the Best Factory Awards 2010. The annual awards, supported by the world renowned Cranfield School of Management, recognise businesses that seek to achieve the highest standards in manufacturing excellence. 
 22 Oct 2010

Mitsi appoints London and SE manager

Mitsubishi Electric has appointed Steve Warrington as territory manager for its London and South England region air conditioning sales team. 
 22 Oct 2010

RHI survives spending review

The Renewable Heat Incentive has survived the Government's massive spending review and will proceed as planned in 2011. Chancellor George Osborne announced that the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) will be introduced to allow the UK to have the best possible chance of meeting its 2020 carbon targets. 
 21 Oct 2010
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