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NG Bailey wins £26.5million contract at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary

NG Bailey has been appointed by Robertson Construction Group to deliver m&e and Information Communication Technology (ICT) Services, for NHS Grampian’s new Emergency Care Centre at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary. 
 17 Aug 2010

Neil Griffin joins HVCA as head of operations

The HVCA has appointed Neil Griffin to the new senior post of head of operations. 
 17 Aug 2010

BRE Trust offers Energy Efficiency publication

BRE Trust, the owner of BRE, the UK’s leading centre of expertise on the built environment, is pleased to announce a new publication, Energy Efficiency in New and Existing Buildings: Comparative Costs and CO2 Savings, which reviews ways to improve the energy efficiency of both new and existing buildings. 
 17 Aug 2010

BIFM and FMA sign Memorandum of Understanding

The British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM) and the Facilities Management Association (FMA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) today. 
 17 Aug 2010

Rok bosses buy more shares

The chairman and the chief executive today purchased shares in Rok plc. 
 17 Aug 2010

Corporation Tax roadshow heads for Glasgow and Birmingham

HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has announced its Corporation Tax roadshow will be rolling into Birmingham and Glasgow this autumn. 
 16 Aug 2010

Wolseley goes the extra mile

Wolseley recently demonstrated that there is no limit to the lengths, or indeed distances, that it will go to support its key partners. 
 16 Aug 2010

Pimlico's Mullins backs mandatory use of CO gas analysers

Carbon Monoxide safety charity, CO-Gas Safety has joined forces with the UK’s largest independent plumbing company, Pimlico Plumbers, in calling for the mandatory use of specialist gas analysers for the inspection of gas appliances. 
 16 Aug 2010

Renewable energy in the public sector conference

From August 2010, local authorities are allowed to sell energy they produce back to the national grid, providing an additional source of revenue, ensuring energy security and reducing vulnerability to inevitable increases in energy prices. 
 13 Aug 2010

HEVAR Seminar: Collaboration key to social housing budget cuts

Professor Peter Woolliscroft, managing director of CYNTRA, will highlight the housing sector’s pivotal role in managing construction budget reductions when he addresses the UK’s leading event for the heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration industry – London HEVAR on Wednesday September 22. 
 13 Aug 2010

Swiftclean moves to Improve Fire Safety in High-Rise Housing

Swiftclean UK Ltd, a leading UK provider of duct cleaning services to the social housing sector, will be holding a free half-day seminar called Improving Fire Safety in High-Rise Housing at The Institute of Directors, 116 Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5ED on October 15 2010. 
 13 Aug 2010

Construction faces uncertain future despite record growth

Although today’s ONS figures for construction output in the second quarter of the year show a sharp increase of nearly 9% over the first quarter, the Construction Products Association warns the industry is still in a very precarious position and the figures do not indicate a dramatic recovery in the industry’s fortunes. 
 13 Aug 2010

WSP boosts presence in Vietnam

WSP is increasing its presence in Vietnam through the arrival of a team from WSP Lincolne Scott at WSP’s office in Ho Chi Minh City. 
 13 Aug 2010

ADCAS believes improved stardard could aid fight against Information Overload

Britain’s ductwork specialists have called for positive action to stem the rising tide of excess information. 
 13 Aug 2010

Interserve profits dip in first half

Interserve, the international services, maintenance and building group, has reported first half pre-tax profits down to £27.3million against £40million in the same period in 2009. 
 12 Aug 2010

Kershaw Contracting solves a narrow problem

An innovative company has fixed the problem of cavity walls that are too narrow for standard insulation with the first installation in June this year. 
 12 Aug 2010

Fears grow of commercial property price fall

The number of financial advisers expecting commercial property prices to fall has increased significantly since the start of 2010. 
 12 Aug 2010

Glen Dimplex buys Robinson Willey

GDC Group Ltd, the UK heating division of Glen Dimplex, has acquired the fixed assets, inventory and intellectual property including the brand of Robinson Willey - in administration. 
 12 Aug 2010

HETAS appoints Howard Reed as training manager

HETAS has appointed Howard Reed in the new position of training manager. 
 12 Aug 2010

Everything you've ever wanted to know about heat pumps at London HEVAR

The Heat Pump Association (HPA) has announced details of its topical seminar session at London HEVAR, the essential event for buyers and specifiers in the UK's Heating, Ventilating, Air-conditioning and Refrigeration industry. 
 11 Aug 2010
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