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UK needs carbon reduction project rules - BRE Trust Report

Funding for small-scale solar, biomass and other carbon reduction projects in the UK could rise significantly if consistent reporting guidelines for these schemes can be agreed, according to a recent study from BRE Trust.

The report published by IHS BRE Press, said many companies would prefer to support green projects in the UK rather than invest in schemes abroad provided a standardised mechanism for reporting on the projects is created.
The report Financing UK Carbon Reduction Projects interviewed major UK-based airlines, supermarket chains and financial institutions. Robert Rabinowitz, a contributing author said: 'The key requirement for the support of UK-based projects is the creation of a standard that has widespread adoption and endorsement by environmental organisations recognised by their customers.'
This standardised reporting framework would allow companies to compare projects in terms of the investment they involve, the amount of carbon emissions saved and associated non-carbon benefits including biodiversity improvements as well as community enhancement.
BRE is working with corporate partners on a proposal for a reporting framework which it plans to deliver later this year.
'The ultimate goal of such a reporting framework' said Mr Rabinowitz, 'will be to create a new asset class, namely project-based carbon reductions in the UK, so that the investment capital required to fund such emission reductions and help the UK to meet its climate change targets can be deployed most effectively across the entire range of voluntary and regulated projects.'
Interest in community-owned renewable energy projects is particularly high especially in the area of solar power, said co-author Jon d'Este-Hoare.
'We believe that the opportunity to receive an additional income from the project in return for the carbon that the project mitigates will only increase the financial viability of this type of project', Mr d'Este-Hoare added.
These projects could provide a valuable contribution to the UK's target to raise renewable energy output and achieving its goal of an 80 per cut in greenhouse gas emissions relative to 1990 by 2050.
The report Financing UK Carbon Reduction Projects is available from:, or by calling +44 (0) 1344 328038, using ref. FB 31.
14 February 2011


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