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Staying strong: 2009 global building controls s&m market

The global intelligent building controls business reached $18 billion in 2008 and within this business, the service & maintenance market remains buoyant with expected growth of 1.4% during 2009-2010.
A new report by BSRIA acknowledges a key driver behind the growth of building controls markets in Europe, (including UK), is energy legislation such as the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) with its demands for buildings be energy saving and energy efficient. (The EPBD's impact resulted in the revision of Part L of the building regulations in the UK).

Despite growth in the service and maintenance market, BSRIA reveals growth in the remaining markets has declined considerably. Between 2006-08 the global building controls market witnessed growth levels of around 7.4%, but the impact of the recession means the market is now expected to drop to -0.7%.

Controllers account for the largest share of the building controls product market with sales of $2.8 billion in 2008. Europe dominates the controllers market with almost 50% of the global share. Sales of controllers in Germany were among the highest in Europe totaling $405.2 million.

Total manufacturer's turnover reached more than $14 billion worldwide in 2008; While America accounted for the largest share with 39% of the global market, it was closely followed by Europe with 37%.

In 2008, the global installed systems market reached $12 billion. America had 40% and Europe 37%, while Asia and the Middle East collectively account for 23%. The top three players, Johnson Controls, Siemens and Honeywell account for 37% of the installed market.
31 July 2009


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