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Specflue has Gurkhas' welfare at heart in 64 mile test

Staff from Specflue, the chimney and flue products distributor, volunteered to walk 100km (64miles) across the South Downs and managed to raise £2200 for Gurkhas.
Specflue has Gurkhas
Back in March 2009, four Specflue colleagues Heather Claye (national sales administrator), David Chambers (warehouse manager), Nick Bainbridge (sales administrator) and Graham Hawkins (accounts manager) volunteered to begin gruelling training, involving rising at dawn to prepare for the walk from Petersfield to Brighton in less than 30 hours.

Calling themselves 'David's Trousers', the team of sales staff joined 480 other teams taking part in this year's challenge, which began at 6.00am on July 18 to the sound of bagpipes played by a Gurkha.

At one point, the team's luck took a turn for the worse when one team member injured his knee and had to drop out of the challenge.

He said: 'I thought the whole weekend went very well, although stage five onwards was very disappointing personally'.

The three remaining crew members pressed on overnight, only for another team member to succumb to a painful knee injury.

The final two team mates Heather and Graham decided to press regardless.

Heather said: 'A few blisters seem as nothing when compared to what a lot people suffer. We can always go home and have a bath afterwards; others are not so lucky'.

Despite being in considerable pain with popping blisters and being soaked, Heather and Graham finally crossed the finish line on day two (July 19) in just under 29 hours.

Graham said: 'To say we were relieved is an understatement. But we are very grateful to everyone involved, including the best support crew ever - a great experience for everyone'.

All money raised by Specflue was donated equally between the Gurkha Welfare Trust and Oxfam. In total 1,513 people finished the challenge.

Specflue's team aka David's trousers are urging readers to donate by calling 0800 90 20 220 or visit
31 July 2009


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