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SPC invests in £375,000 machine

S & P Coil Products (SPC) has bought a £375,000 bespoke tube manipulation machine to improve its radiant panel, coil, fan convector and air curtain production.
SPC invests in £375,000 machine
Produced by Italian manufacturer Sistemi Meccanici Industriali (SMI), the machine is claimed to be the only one of its kind in the UK and would, said SPC 'ensure quality and consistency in all of SPC's products by reducing waste, guarantee accuracy and enabling greater quantities to be produced with the machines ability to work unmanned, including overnight'.
Warwick Taylor European sales director for SPC, aded: 'The purchase of this machine enforces our commitment to providing both quality products and a first-rate service to our customers. As coils are at the core of all of our water based products, this machine means we can offer even higher quality products and flexibility to our customers.
'The elimination of joints is a huge step forward in our radiant panel production and guarantees greater robustness in the pipe work, meaning our customers can be confident that they are buying into a top quality product.'
1 November 2010


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Rinnai Provides Peace of Mind With Future Proof Water Heaters at Huddersfield Care Home

Rinnai has supplied two N Series continuous flow water heaters to the Sycamore Care Home in Huddersfield, ensuring a reliable and efficient hot water heating system. Installed by CBFM, the system includes a 300L cylinder store, providing a first-hour flow rate of 2407L and a continuous flow rate of 1907L, with a recovery time of just 15.7 minutes at 60°C with a 50°C temperature difference.


Fernox launches new product selector tool for its expanding renewables range

Leading water treatment manufacturer Fernox, is pleased to announce the launch of its new Renewables Product Selector, designed to provide a fast, easy-to-use single source tool for professionals working with renewable heating systems....



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