Every tenth person to pre-register and attend London HEVAR will receive a FREE bottle of wine. Guests will be given a voucher to collect their wine from stand 5, where Delta Controls which is the sponsors of the wine giveaway is exhibiting and, of course, where the wine is being distributed from!
All pre-registered guests will be offered either a free lunch or a drinks voucher as well as the fast track entry.
But with just four weeks left time is running out, so register now at
Latest exhibitors to book stands include: Viconics UK, Ormandy, Cool-Therm and Klima-Therm, Lochinvar, Systemair Fans & Spares, ENER-G, MHG Heating, Delta Controls, CMR Controls, ABB, WF Electrical. See the full exhibitor list on the website at
Seminar programme places are booking fast; see the full timetable on line and book your place through the pre-register link on the hevar website at
The new Roundtable Event is your chance to get involved with industry experts at the show. Experts will be available during lunchtime to discuss hot topics and answer any questions. Places are very limited so let us know if you would like to book your seat at info@hevar.co.uk
HEVAR takes place on September 22 and 23 at the Royal Horticultural Hall, Greycoat St, Victoria, London SW1P 2QD.
For further information and to register to attend HEVAR, please visit the website -