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Pettigrew picked as HVCA's deputy chief executive

Roderick Pettigrew has been appointed to the new position of HVCA deputy chief executive, with effect from December 1, 2008.
Pettigrew picked as HVCA
Rod Pettigrew will deputise for chief executive Robert Higgs, and have the authority to act on Robert Higgs' behalf as well as continuing to fill his current post as head of the HVCA Commercial and Legal department.

'Rod will progressively take an interest in, and make a contribution to, the work of other departments, as well as to the association and the HVCA Group as a whole,' said Robert Higgs.

Pettigrew's remit has now grown to include a focus on the development of the association's knowledge management, customer relations management and intranet programmes.

Rod Pettigrew had served as legal adviser to the Construction Plant Hire Association before joining the HVCA and being appointed head of its commercial and legal department in 1994. This role included providing legal advice to the Constructors Liaison Group, the Specialist Engineering Contractors' (SEC) Group and the ECA/HVCA Joint Major Contractors' Group.

Pettigrew has also played an active role in the government/industry review of the contracts legislation contained in Part II of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996.
17 November 2008


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