Since Toshiba Carrier UK (TCUK) launched its award-winning online training academy in 2018, more than 3,500 engineers have registered, with the number of completed courses tripling during the height of the COVID-19 restrictions. To date, more than 5,000 training modules have been completed.
The platform uses videos, pictures and easy-to-understand information that users can study and return to at any time. To ensure users have absorbed key principles and knowledge, courses conclude with an assessment quiz. If answered successfully, users can print a certificate of completion.
“The surge in online training during the pandemic took even us by surprise,” said Cameron Beech, TCUK technical support engineer, who heads up the training portal. “People made positive use of the time in lockdown to develop their skills and acquire new ones. As restrictions are being lifted, our installers are better trained and prepared than ever to meet the challenges and opportunities ahead.”
Out of the 107 online training modules available, the most popular is Toshiba’s Warranty Qualification course. Those successfully completing this base course qualify for different levels of warranty cover on Toshiba installations, depending on the additional warranty courses they take and pass, providing a competitive edge in the market.
TCUK is currently finalising plans for a new warranty qualification course for Toshiba’s new variable refrigerant flow range, SMMS-u. New training modules are added and updated on a regular basis.
With the easing of restrictions, in-person classroom training is due to restart soon.