Olympic rush to the construction finish line
Growth in the UK's construction projects will reach a peak in 2011 as the industry rushes to complete new build and infrastructure programmes before the London Olympics in 2012.
Findings from the latest Construction Skills Network report shows that the high profile of the Olympics is driving a high concentration of activity, so that even unrelated projects including the Victoria line and DLR extensions will be completed before 2012 to help manage the volume of Olympic visitors.
To deliver every project between now and 2012 the plumbing and HVAC trades which have 173,890 workers in 2008, will need to have 188,740 workers in 2012. (An 8.2% rise in the number of workers required in this sector).
Construction Skills, the sector skills council for the construction industry, indicates the industry is likely to see a year of little or no growth in 2012.
Construction Skills plans to open a national skills academy for construction on every major Olympic site.
Sir Michael Latham, chairman of the Construction Skills Network,
'The Olympic build programme is a beacon for best practice - ConstructionSkills is investing millions of pounds over the next five years, as part of its commitment to deliver the skills and training needed for a successful Olympic build.
Construction Skills also indicates there will be a continuing shift in construction growth from the North to South of England during the next five years. Public sector spending will be a key driver of growth across the UK through the 2008 to 2012 period. The government's Building Schools for the Future programme is forecast to grow by 3.7% per year. Public housing will grow by an average 2.9% per year.
27 February 2008