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New chairman for European energy group

Kjeld Staerk of Danfoss in Denmark is the new chairman of the European Partnership for Energy and the Environment (EPEE), representing the refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump industry in Europe.
New chairman for European energy group
EPEE said: 'EPEE and its members are determined to reduce the global climate impact of refrigeration, air conditioning and heating systems by supporting energy efficient, environmentally and economically viable and safe technologies. To achieve this ambitious goal, the association is actively involved in the European regulatory process such as the ecodesign directive and its implementing measures, the F-Gas Regulation and its revision, the renewable energies directive, WEEE & RoHS and many more.'
Mr Staerk added: 'This is an exciting time for our industry and we have a great opportunity to move further towards sustainable refrigeration, cooling and heating solutions. EPEE member companies have enormous technological potential and are committed to actively reduce the global climate impact of our products. EPEE ensures that our industry's voice is united and strong and that it will be heard and taken into account at the European political level.'
25 October 2010


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Rinnai Provides Peace of Mind With Future Proof Water Heaters at Huddersfield Care Home

Rinnai has supplied two N Series continuous flow water heaters to the Sycamore Care Home in Huddersfield, ensuring a reliable and efficient hot water heating system. Installed by CBFM, the system includes a 300L cylinder store, providing a first-hour flow rate of 2407L and a continuous flow rate of 1907L, with a recovery time of just 15.7 minutes at 60°C with a 50°C temperature difference.


Fernox launches new product selector tool for its expanding renewables range

Leading water treatment manufacturer Fernox, is pleased to announce the launch of its new Renewables Product Selector, designed to provide a fast, easy-to-use single source tool for professionals working with renewable heating systems....



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