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Health and Safety Matters: New ACS must be slimmer and friendlier

Gas safety testing has become overly complicated and puts too much of a burden on employers, according to Bob Towse, head of technical and safety at the HVCA, who welcomes the imminent review of the ACS testing regime. 
 1 Nov 2009

Legal Matters: Wage increase is a bonus, however small

While politicians and experts debate the perceived pros and cons of notional big hitters in the banking sector receiving bonuses, spare a thought for workers at the other end of the pay scale, insists Fergal Dowling, head of employment law at Irwin Mitchell. 
 1 Nov 2009

Legal Matters: The truth about stress

Do you expect employees to be "economical with the truth" to help to safeguard the company in this recession? Fergal Dowling, head of employment law at Irwin Mitchell, outlines the problems associated with employee stress. 
 1 Oct 2009

Editorial comment: Train managers to manage

"Train the bosses or otherwise companies do not operate as efficiently as they should. I should have thought this was a given but it seems not, especially in building services" says Paul Braithwaite, editor of Heating and Ventilating Review. 
 1 Oct 2009

Health and Safety Matters: Falling standards

The dangers posed by working at heights are back in the spotlight following the successful prosecution of a Scottish construction firm for failing to protect a worker. Bob Towse, head of technical and safety at the HVCA, looks at the implications. 
 1 Oct 2009

The Ant Wilson Column: Designing buildings for low carbon maintenance

It is not enough to just hand over a building and leave the tenants floundering on how to operate it. But designers still have a long way to go regarding commissioning plans. 
 1 Sep 2009

Legal Matters: Don't go mad in the midday sun

Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun but employers have a duty to protect their employees from the heat, says Fergal Dowling, head of employment law at Irwin Mitchell. 
 1 Sep 2009

Contractor Profile: Green and pleasant land

The renewables industry is alive and well in the east of England as HVR discovered when it visited one of the region's leading m&e firms 
 1 Sep 2009

Company Profile: Direct and distributor routes work hard for FG Eurofred

It has taken 18 months, a lot of confusion, some distrust and a lot of hard work, but now FG Eurofred is on track. Paul Braithwaite talks to Tony Gittings, sales director of FG Eurofred, about the partnership between Fujitsu and Eurofred and asks where the company is going. 
 1 Sep 2009

Health and Safety Matters: Scalding threat has not gone away

Changes to the Building Regulations are heavily focused on energy efficiency but Bob Towse, head of technical and safety at the HVCA, says safety must not be compromised. 
 1 Sep 2009

Burning issue: Proactive approach to training maximises choices

Calor's bulk market manager, Laura Luty, looks at ways for contractors to maximise new opportunities as well as teaming up with suppliers who give something back. 
 1 Sep 2009

Contractor Profile: Commissioning Champions

Commissioning engineers certainly don't have an easy life, but Roger Carlin of Ashford Environmental Services believes they can have a rewarding one. 
 1 Aug 2009

Company Profile: Pump House is not just about pumps

As might be expected from a company called Pump House, the products it supplies are, well, pumps. But Paul Greengrass new business development manager, says the firm offers more. 
 1 Aug 2009

The Ant Wilson Column: Don't be silent, your comments are vital

You have got to be in it to win it! Read the proposed changes to Part L of the Building Regulations and if you do not agree with them, or something vital to your area is not included, then you have to stand up and be counted. 
 1 Aug 2009

Editorial comment: Government support? Some hopes!

'I HAVE been talking to Geoff Lockwood, technical director of Ebm-papst and chairman of the Fan Manufacturers Association' comments Paul Braithwaite, HVR editor. 
 1 Jul 2009

The Ant Wilson Column: Should we compare EPCs and DECs

Recently I was asked to provide a key note address on Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) and Display Energy Certificates (DECs), and a couple of issues were raised. 
 1 Jul 2009

Health and Safety Matters: Farewell to the fun police

Employers must start looking at health and safety as a commercial benefit not as a burden, according to Bob Towse, head of technical and safety at the HVCA
 1 Jul 2009

Contractor Profile: How to make it in mechanical

Kershaw Mechanical Services has been in business since 1954 and, despite the recession, it is optimistic about growth. Paul Braithwaite talks to Ian Greenstock, the company's sales and estimating director. 
 1 Jul 2009

Burning Issue: Addressing common installation issues

Don Spearman, managing director at Xpelair, looks at the growth of central extract ventilation systems and suggests ways to help installers fit the right system for the right application. 
 1 Jul 2009

Company Profile: The full package

Ormandy Group has grown into a £25M turnover business in just eight years. HVR asks managing director Paul Cooper how they did it, and why even the recession can’t halt the company’s progress 
 1 Jul 2009
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