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Industrial and Commercial: Fitting reminder of condensing versatility

Gas boilers can be combined with other technologies including renewables to create a high performing heating system that has a low impact on the environment. Mark Northcott explains. 
 8 Nov 2010

Industrial and Commercial: Cutting your underfloor overheads

Recently developed manifolds and control centres enable underfloor heating systems to deliver greater control , says Michelle Fleming 
 8 Nov 2010

Company Profile: Steps to unleashing renewable power

Tighter control and better oversight of building specifications are crucial if the renewables sector is to thrive, says David Whitfield, managing director of heating equipment supplier Evinox. Ian Vallely reports. 
 8 Nov 2010

Contractor Profile: It pays to consider offsite assembly

A host of solid business benefits can accrue from employing offsite assembly as building services contractor EIC South West discovered 
 8 Nov 2010

Health & Safety Matters: Quick steps to a better way of working

He can’t vouch for the quality of her dancing, but Bob Towse believes former MP Ann Widdecombe has a great deal to offer when it comes to health and safety advice. 
 8 Nov 2010

Burning Issue: Our new flexible friend

It’s time industry took note of the energy and time-saving opportunities offered by addressable pressure independent control valves, says Martin Lowe of Marflow Hydronic Systems 
 8 Nov 2010

Burning Issue: MCS - are we selling the customers short?

The reason behind the introduction of the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) was to establish a standard requirement for domestic low and zero carbon (LZC) systems. But, despite these good intentions, the scheme as it stands neglects the testing criteria and heat loss measurement of LZC cylinders sold in the UK, so are we selling our customers and the environment short? Spencer Clark, sales and marketing director of Heatrae Sadia, discusses the limitations of the MCS scheme and how improvements could boost its effectiveness. 
 18 Oct 2010

Chillers: Chilling efficiency

As building operators gear up to achieve ongoing energy efficiency improvements they will need to take both short and long term measures. Dean Ward of Walter Meier (Climate UK) explains how this strategy can be applied to chillers. 
 15 Oct 2010

Commercial Heating: Taking part in L2B

The latest amendments to the UK Building Regulations Part L came into force on October 1, but what does that mean for you and your business? Richard Evans, sales director at Buderus, reviews the new elements of Part L2B covering non-domestic buildings. 
 15 Oct 2010

Commercial Heating: Well pressed jointing puts safety first

Flame-free jointing for pipework is fast gaining in popularity because it is faster to install, more precise in terms of fitting and offers clear health and safety advantages, according to Simon Spridgeon, product manager for piping systems at Geberit. 
 15 Oct 2010

Commercial Heating: Burners can be energy efficient

Modern burners can play a crucial part in reducing carbon emissions. Mike Baker, business unit director for Nu-way, the burner division for Enertech, looks at the developments that have led to the latest generation of burners. 
 15 Oct 2010

Company Profile: Viconics - remember the name, you will hear it again

For the present, Simon Ward is the only employee of Viconics UK, the offshoot of a Canadian company which makes zone controllers. It's his job to build up the firm in the UK, Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Tough job: yes, but he is already relishing the challenge. Paul Braithwaite reports. 
 15 Oct 2010

Contractor Profile: Ductwork business goes nuclear

For specialist contractors struggling with tough economic conditions, the nuclear energy sector stands out as a major source of potential work. However, as one leading specialist explains, it is not for everyone. 
 15 Oct 2010

Heat Pumps: Water source Versatemps - the next generation

Clivet UK has developed a new generation of Versatemp wall-mounted water source heat pumps. 
 14 Oct 2010

Heat Pumps: Combining heat pumps with energy efficient heat emitters

Situl Mistry, product manager of SPC's heat pumps and renewables division, discusses the evolution of high temperature air source heat pumps for use with energy efficient heat emitters. 
 14 Oct 2010

Ventilation: Breathing life into buildings and pods

Jon Hill, technical manager of Polypipe Ventilation, examines pod ventilation systems. 
 14 Oct 2010

Ventilation: Airtight heat recovery

Derek Guy, general manager of Itho Ventilation UK, offers some solutions as to how the increasingly challenging targets set by the government can be met using continuous ventilation. 
 14 Oct 2010

Humidification: Star Refrigeration shows off new chiller at Chilventa

Star Refrigeration's stand at Chillventa will include a number of innovative chillers and heat pumps. 
 14 Oct 2010

Chillers: Integrated free-cooling systems help cut costs

Airedale sales director Paul Oliver looks at how integrated free-cooling systems can assist data centre heat management by reducing operating costs. 
 14 Oct 2010

Heat Pumps: Air source v ground source

Colin Pavey, sales manager for CTC, the renewables division for Enertech, offers a guide to both ground source and air source heat pumps to assist with making an informed choice on which technology to select. 
 13 Oct 2010
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