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Top of the Class: Natural ventilation in class is up in the air

Growing pressure on school budgets means more are looking towards natural ventilation as a way to meet indoor air quality targets without driving up energy costs. However, ventilation experts warn that the desire for low energy solutions may compromise classroom conditions and so impair learning. 
 8 Apr 2010

Top of the Class: Learning with biomass

Biomass offers a very effective heating solution for many schools but it's important to address the key practical issues that go with it. Andy Owens, biomass technical sales manager with Hoval, explains. 
 8 Apr 2010

Top of the Class: Education - Something missing in school buildings

Mike Malina, director of Energy Solutions Associates, and an energy auditor, urges schools to forget the green bling and concentrate on getting the basics right first. 
 8 Apr 2010

Top of the Class: It's a testing time for CO2 in schools

Monitoring carbon dioxide levels to adjust and control heating and air conditioning ventilation rate depending on the occupancy level of a building is a tried-and-tested method of minimising a building's energy use. Chris Dearden, managing director of Medem UK, explains. 
 8 Apr 2010

Top of the Class: Why Medem's gas pressure proving system is a class act...

Medem UK now gives a five year warranty on all Medem panels and a 10-year warranty when a system is commissioned by a Medem engineer. 
 8 Apr 2010

Top of the Class: Lessons in how to create the right atmosphere

Increasingly airtight school buildings can lead to a build-up of carbon dioxide in classrooms which can affect the concentration of pupils. However, ventilation systems incorporating carbon dioxide monitors can be designed to provide optimum indoor air quality to keep the children awake, says Chris Dearden, managing director of Medem UK. 
 8 Apr 2010

Top of the Class: Old school with innovation

Maidstone-based DSL provides service and maintenance for hundreds of school buildings, including the world's oldest school. 
 8 Apr 2010

Top of the Class: A broad curriculum for building services design

Anyone involved in the design of sustainable schools needs to take account of a wide range of different factors and guidelines. Ant Wilson and Katie Marsden of AECOM highlight some of the key issues. 
 8 Apr 2010

Company Profile: Midtherm Engineering - the will to succeed naturally!

Paul Braithwaite talks to Andy Brown, director of Midtherm Engineering, about natural ventilation, how to grow and diversify and be at the forefront of a business which is still in its infancy. 
 8 Apr 2010

Contractor Profile: Selling up is the order for Jigsaw installers

When Richard Percival started Jigsaw FM he went for any job he could find and sold extra services to the client. Two-and-a-half years on and he is still successfully selling up. And he only takes on engineers who will also sell to customers. Paul Braithwaite talks to the salesman turned installer. 
 8 Apr 2010

Health & Safety Matters: Asbestos - the threat that will not go away

A surge in the amount of refurbishment work in schools has brought an old foe back into the spotlight, says Bob Towse, head of technical and safety at the HVCA. 
 8 Apr 2010

Legal Matters: Legislation could help to make it a happy birthday

Fergal Dowling, head of employment law at national law firm Irwin Mitchell, discusses how the laws on age discrimination are in place to safeguard rights, even to the point of allowing a colleague to celebrate a special birthday without the jokes! 
 8 Apr 2010

Ant Wilson: Vote for sustainability

Your MP does not usually ask your opinion but election time is one of the few times he or she might turn up on your doorstep, so have your sustainability questions ready. 
 8 Apr 2010

Editorial: Mix and match for the best energy solution

We need more consultants and contractors who are familiar with all the technologies and how they work together, says Paul Braithwaite. 
 8 Apr 2010

Water Heating: Hot water on tap

According to Jon Cockburn, head of marketing for Heatrae Sadia, when selecting and installing water heating provision for a customer, point-of-use unvented systems will usually offer the best solution, particularly in situations where long pipe runs need to be avoided. 
 5 Apr 2010

Water Heating: Long live the boiler!

Ron Barker, group product manager at Ideal Boilers, explains why boilers still present the strongest solution for commercial and industrial applications. 
 5 Apr 2010

Health & Safety Matters: Law changes could cut CO cases

Carbon monoxide still keeps hitting the headlines despite years of campaigning, says Bob Towse, head of technical and safety at the HVCA. 
 3 Mar 2010

Ant Wilson: Engineers educate engineers of the future

A new report from the Royal Academy of Engineers has made Ant Wilson, director of sustainability at AECOM, think of the influence that building services engineers have on society, at present and in the future. 
 2 Mar 2010

Editorial: Energy efficiency - changes are afoot!

As I read more and more about energy efficiency, I am beginning to understand how the laws and regulations are coming together, writes HVR editor Paul Braithwaite. 
 1 Mar 2010

Ductwork Cleaning: Cleanliness is next to godliness in the kitchen

Darren Ling, a director of System Hygienics, a leading air hygiene specialist, explains the importance of maintaining clean kitchen ductwork to meet legal fire safety obligations and with minimum disruption to the workplace. 
 1 Mar 2010
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