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Contractor Focus: Saving cash and the planet

Forget climate change. Energy efficiency makes sense simply from a business perspective because it can offer dramatic cost savings, says Chris Webber of the Economist Intelligence Unit 
 9 Nov 2011

Burning Issue: Beware the rumours surrounding refrigerants

Unfounded rumour and speculation about the future of HFC refrigerants is starting to impact on consultants' decision-making, according to Simon Keel. And, he says, misinformation about the legal life expectancy of gases such R410A is resulting in consultants and designers altering specifications because of unnecessary concerns about their duty of care. 
 9 Nov 2011

HVR Awards News: And the winners are...

The second annual HVR Awards for Excellence ceremony saw well known industry names pitted against smaller companies for the prestige of winning an award in their sector. 
 9 Nov 2011

Chillers: Traditional systems offer cold comfort

Chiller-based hvac systems still have a vital role to play in improving energy efficiency in commercial buildings. In fact advances in technology mean that some chillers now qualify for the Renewable Heat Incentive. Martin Hayward looks at why chillers are still so important when it comes to cooling - and heating - our buildings. 
 13 Oct 2011

Chillers: Saving our heritage and saving energy too

A refurbishment of the chillers serving the National Archives' repositories at Kew is ensuring that the nation's heritage is protected. 
 13 Oct 2011

Heat Pumps: Get your heat pump choice right to cut carbon footprint

As the drive towards the elimination of carbon emissions accelerates, heat pumps are being viewed as an increasingly important weapon in the armoury of building services engineers and clients. However, says Maurice Diamond, it is crucial to choose the heat pump carefully. 
 13 Oct 2011

Heat Pumps: Retrofits made easy

Air source heat pumps are energy efficient and have green credentials, but have not always been suitable for retrofit applications. Robert Lockhart looks at how this is changing. 
 13 Oct 2011

Heat Pumps: Training offers fitting reward in renewables

The industry needs to invest in renewable systems training to be in the best position to take advantage of future growth opportunities in this sector, warns Stephen Andrews. 
 13 Oct 2011

Ventilation: Tackling the effects of high CO2 levels

In a classroom where CO2 levels are high, students will probably be less attentive and concentrate less well. There is, however, an answer, says Tim Kaye 
 13 Oct 2011

Ventilation: Help save lives with fire protection servicing

Built-in fire protection in buildings can save lives in the event of a fire, but only if hvac systems are correctly installed and regularly maintained, says Darren Ling. 
 13 Oct 2011

Ventilation: Why pcm could well be the new ac

It is time to acknowledge that phase change material technology offers an effective, environmentally-friendly and viable alternative to air conditioning for new and existing buildings, according to Tony Cull. 
 13 Oct 2011

Commercial Heating: It sometimes pays to be on the skids

Pre-fabricated packages can overcome obstacles and cut costs. 
 13 Oct 2011

Commercial Heating: Wooden performance

Poor specification will only damage the reputation of wood biomass, so Simon Holden offers advice on how to select it. 
 13 Oct 2011

Commercial Heating: Cascading benefits can help cut energy usage

With fuel prices taking off and larger organisations starting to feel the effects of the Carbon Reduction Commitment scheme, the efficiency of heating boilers is coming under increasing scrutiny. Employing an effective controls strategy can result in a significant reduction in energy use and carbon emissions. Jeff House examines the opportunities. 
 13 Oct 2011

Commercial Heating: Unshackle the supply chain to cut costs

The Government wants the industry to deliver quicker build times; lower lifecycle costs; and less energy demand. How can the commercial heating sector play its part and what supply chain changes will be necessary to make it possible? James Parkinson explains. 
 13 Oct 2011

Contractor Focus: 'Big 8' committed to workforce reform

Eight of the country's largest m&e employers are making long-awaited changes to employment conditions and industrial relations procedures. 
 13 Oct 2011

Burning Issue: Give pension provision a sporting chance

Next year the recession will end, the Olympics will come to London and hvac businesses will realise they're facing new pensions obligations. 
 13 Oct 2011

Boilers: Heat is on as boilers face a growing green wave

How is the tried and tested gas-fired boiler faring against the green wave of renewables? Andrew Brister says don’t write off this humble servant just yet. 
 5 Sep 2011

Air Conditioning World: Take control to meet demands of the law

Today’s climate control systems are highly energy efficient, so the debate has grown to cover how we should cut usage as well as increase energy efficiency, says Scott McGavin. 
 5 Sep 2011

Air Conditioning World: Sector set to go from strength to strength

On the whole, 2010 was a year of recovery for the entire hvacr industry in Europe, the Middle East and Africa regions (EMEA) and this trend is set to continue in 2011, according to the latest report from Eurovent Market Intelligence. 
 5 Sep 2011
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