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Pipes and fittings: Modules right fit for the times

A new modular engineering facility is taking on the demand for off-site manufacture. And the modules are ticking the boxes when it comes to being environmentally friendly, meeting health and safety rules, and keeping deadlines 
 1 Jan 2009

Contractor Profile: More than a posh plumber

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Andrew Iveson, managing director of SIAS Building Services, teaches Paul Braithwaite some of his business philosophies – and tells him how the firm has increased its turnover from £1M to £31M 
 1 Dec 2008

Company Profile: How to beat the credit crunch

Forget the recession, Gary Webster of Smith’s Environmental Products aims to treble his business’s turn over within five years. And Paul Braithwaite, for one, has faith. 
 1 Dec 2008

Editorial: Save the world: forget climate change

Forget climate change, for many of us survival will be the order of the day. 
 1 Dec 2008

LEGAL MATTERS: Pay minimum wage or face fine of £5,000

Employers flouting the new act may be subject to an automatic fine of £5,000, writes Fergal Dowling. 
 1 Dec 2008

H&S: Prison risk for poor maintenance

Building owners, operators and contractors face a greater threat of prosecution under new health and safety laws, warns Bob Towse. The penalties will be as much as £20,000 or two years’ imprisonment. 
 1 Dec 2008

Burning Issue: Shut door on energy waste

WE ARE all continually being told to reduce energy consumption in a bid to curb the effects of climate change. 
 1 Dec 2008

Renewables: Time to wake up, smell the targets

THE CLOCK is ticking, with the government having set clear targets for buildings to become carbon neutral, writes Ant Wilson, head of sustainable development at Faber Maunsell. 
 1 Dec 2008

Renewables: Progression in the recession

Heating and cooling manufacturer Mitsubishi has embarked on a campaign to highlight ways to save energy through increased use of heat pump technology. Mitsubishi Green Gateway manager Martin Fahey explains. 
 1 Dec 2008

Legal Matters:How to manage absence from work

There is more to dealing effectively with absenteeism than meets the eye. This month, Fergal Dowling gives some pointers on how to identify and manage the problem, and how to handle the repercussions. 
 1 Nov 2008

Health & Safety Matters: Hygiene firms call for access all areas

Ductwork cleaning contractors are becoming increasingly alarmed at the state of ventilation and kitchen extract systems says Bob Towse, head of technical and safety at the HVCA. 
 1 Nov 2008

Contractor Profile: Clearvent cleans up

When a restaurant chain was having problems with the maintenance on its ventilation system, Paul Sutherland offered to help. Paul Braithwaite asks what happened next? 
 1 Nov 2008

Company Profile:Heat schemes are made of this

Paul Braithwaite talks to Garry Broadbent and Rebecca Hill of ICS Heat Pump Technology, a company that is dedicated to forging partnerships in the emergent heat pump market 
 1 Nov 2008

Heat Pump Review: Curtain Raised on solutions

Donald Daw, commercial director of Mitsubishi Electric Living Environmental Systems, looks at a joint venture that culminated in the development of a heat pump air curtain 
 29 Oct 2008

Contractor Profile: The pursuit of happiness

Meet Jim King – owner of H&V Building Services and possibly the happiest contractor HVR editor Paul Braithwaite has ever met. Here, he explains what makes him and his company tick. 
 1 Oct 2008

Company Profile: All for Dane and fortune

Thomas Koelleskov is the man responsible for bringing Exhausto Ventilation to Britain. But what does the boss of the UK arm think of progress so far? Paul Braithwaite reports 
 1 Oct 2008

Legal Matters: Redundancies: review policies!

Reports that recruitment levels are falling and more employers are considering redundancies are hopefully over-stating the case, but some organisations may need to review policies and procedures on redundancy to ensure compliance, writes Fergal Dowling, head of employment law at the Birmingham office of national law firm Irwin Mitchell. 
 1 Oct 2008

Burning Issue: Controls: keep it simple

Are complex control systems always the best option for achieving the maximum performance and efficiency? Steven Henry of Chalmor suggests that making things too complicated can often defeat the purpose of installing controls in the first place. 
 1 Oct 2008

Commercial Heating: The right combination

Yan Evans, technical director of Andrews Water Heaters and Potterton Commercial, explains why some heat-generating technologies work well together – and others do not. 
 1 Oct 2008

Heat Pump Review: The technology comes of age

Here HVR editor Paul Braithwaite gives his editorial comment on heat pumps. 
 1 Oct 2008
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