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Business Matters: Looking forward to a taxing year

The tax year 2009/10 will, almost without doubt, prove to be one of the most economically testing in recent times says the tax expert Baker Tilly. 
 1 Jun 2009

Company Profile: Team Medem: We design it, we build it, we back it up

After just five years in the business, gas detection and monitoring firm Medem is claiming UK market dominance. Paul Braithwaite catches up with its director, Chris Dearden. 
 1 Jun 2009

Burning Issue: Taking a slimmer approach to tendering

Malcolm Moss, president of ADCAS, argues that a tide of information at tender stage is adding unnecessary cost and risk – we need to curb our excesses. 
 1 Jun 2009

Contractor Profile: In-depth knowledge of grease extraction

Editor Paul Braithwaite catches up with former HVR interviewee Richard Norman of Indepth Hygiene, and discovers the grease extract industry is about to experience explosive growth. 
 1 Jun 2009

Ant Wilson Column: Engineers can make a difference in a lazy world

Engineers have a duty of care for the environment and communities. We must continue to push for sustainability in our building projects, and we need to take off the blinkers. 
 1 Jun 2009

HVR editor's comment: Grease extracts risk lives

MY friend Roger Upson supplies restaurants in the south-east with washing-up liquid, paper towels and ancillary equipment for kitchens. He eats only in restaurants he supplies, and then only in certain ones. 
 1 Jun 2009

Consultant Profile: What's in a name? Everything when the name is AECOM

In an exclusive interview with Ken Dalton, managing director of AECOM Europe, Paul Braithwaite asks why the Faber Maunsell name will disappear from the consulting stage. 
 1 May 2009

Company Profile: It's good news from him!

Baxi Commercial is coming to the end of a three year restructuring plan. Paul Hardy, managing director, talks to Paul Braithwaite about where the company goes from here. 
 1 May 2009

Solar Thermal: How to make solar energy work

The drive to include renewable energy in projects has fuelled interest in the use of solar thermal energy for heating and hot-water services, writes Ian Dagley. 
 1 May 2009

Solar Thermal: A question of size

Pete Mills, technical service manager at Buderus, comments on the growing specification of solar thermal systems and the need to avoid the pitfall of over sizing. 
 1 May 2009

Solar Thermal: Specifying commercial solar heating

Peter Broatch of Solex Energy outlines key commercial considerations and costs when choosing a solar thermal collector. 
 1 May 2009

Underfloor Heating: Green schools for the future

There has been a £3billion investment in the education system. Malcolm Jaques of Warmafloor discusses how UFH can be used alongside other technologies in building sustainable schools. 
 1 May 2009

Underfloor Heating: Raising standards in pipework

Rehau's Robert Ewels explains the significance of his company’s BBA certification – a costly but expensive and thorough way to guarantee the quality of the pipework in its underfloor heating. 
 1 May 2009

HVCA Newslink: Advice for Scotland

HVCA deputy chief executive Roderick Pettigrew has given evidence to the Scottish Parliament’s Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee on the effect of the recession on specialist engineering contracting. 
 1 May 2009

Burning Issue: The simplest solution is probably the best

Schemes to lower carbon emissions, reduce the production of greenhouse gases, and cut the consumption of fossil fuels need to be better thought out says David Knox of Stovax. 
 1 May 2009

Legal Matters: Employers and employees look to the long term

In this uncertain world, companies and employees are concerned about the future. Here Fergal Dowling, head of employment law at Irwin Mitchell, explains that while everyone may be working to survive, there may be legal implications. 
 1 May 2009

The Ant Wilson Column: Greener world rises from recession?

It has been suggested that sustainability will take a back seat in the recession. Nothing could be further from the truth. But it can pay to be green, now and in the future. 
 1 May 2009

Health & Safety matters: Tenants turn up the heat

A recent court case should leave landlords in no doubt about their gas safety responsibilities, says Bob Towse, head of technical and safety at the HVCA. 
 1 May 2009

Editorial: So good Darling will ignore it!

It is, you will admit, unusual for any parts of the construction industry to come together but a story on the website – – has come pretty close. 
 1 May 2009

Heatpumps: Heatpump and circumstances: A 'how to' guide

The most cost effective way of lowering carbon emissions in existing homes is a heat pump. Tony Barnes, sales director of Calorex Heat Pumps, gives some pointers. 
 1 Apr 2009
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