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Sustainability: Switch off rising costs with a wireless solution

Switch on to wireless energy management and switch off rising HVAC costs, says Ivan McKeever. 
 8 Aug 2011

Company Focus: A cost-effective way to navigate the green road

To make a lasting positive impact on climate change, we need to think more radically about how we design and specify heating equipment. In part, that involves accurately measuring how green the equipment really is, says Remeha Commercial's boss Mark Northcott. Ian Vallely reports. 
 8 Aug 2011

Contractor Focus: Green light for growth

Energy services companies offer an alternative to traditional contracting. Andrew Brister talks to Anesco CEO Adrian Pike to see how it's done. 
 8 Aug 2011

Burning Issue: You can play a big part in carbon reduction

The Committee on Climate Change's third annual progress report to Parliament called for a 'significant acceleration' in the pace of emissions reductions. Mark Krull urges heating and ventilating contractors to consider the contribution they could make to this important aim. 
 8 Aug 2011

Energy efficiency: It's curtains for energy wastage

Air curtains have the potential to save energy, but they need to be designed properly to address end clients’ environmental concerns. Steve Brown discusses the key criteria. 
 20 Jul 2011

Energy efficiency: Fan coils rise to tough market challenge

The big take over by chilled beams has not materialised, but fan coil champions still need to work hard to maintain their healthy market position, says David Fitzpatrick. 
 20 Jul 2011

Company Focus: Getting to grips with renewables

The growing use of renewable heat sources presents specifiers and installers with a number of challenges, says Adrian Walker, managing director of Hoval. 
 20 Jul 2011

Contractor focus: Visionary Higgs takes a bow after 38 years

HVCA chief executive Robert Higgs OBE has had a hand in many of the most significant developments in building services history during 38 years with the association. As he prepared to retire, he took time to look back on a long and successful career. 
 20 Jul 2011

Burning Issue: Taking an eco-friendly ride on the life cycle

To be truly environmentally friendly, the entire project should be taken into account including the life cycle of the supply systems, argues Simon Spridgeon. 
 20 Jul 2011

Health & Safety Matters: Old bug, new problems...

Cuts in maintenance budgets and mutating legionella bacteria are a nasty combination for building occupants, warns Bob Towse. 
 20 Jul 2011

Acoustics: Peaceful classrooms rely on cross-talk

The correct specification and scheduling of cross-talk attenuation is crucial to ensure effective school design, says Mark Balsom 
 19 Jul 2011

Energy efficiency: A delicate balancing act

The installation of a hydronically balanced variable flow system can have a positive effect on both energy consumption and costs, according to Peter Rees. 
 19 Jul 2011

Humidification: Why it pays to take humidification seriously

Some offices in the UK are drier than the Sahara Desert, leading to big problems for the occupants. However, it doesn't have to be that way, as Andie Chessun explains. 
 18 Jul 2011

Humidification: Cutting through the fog surrounding humidity

Significant energy savings can be achieved if humidification systems are specified and installed correctly, as Lindsey Henderson explains. 
 18 Jul 2011

Filters: Breathing easy

We have a lot to thank the humble air filter for, says Thomas Klamp. 
 18 Jul 2011

Filters: If you can't stand the heat...

Nuisance odours, grease, fat and other contaminants are routinely exhausted from commercial kitchens into the environment without proper concern for the correct application of the filtration systems that should be used to prevent them. Kevin Bristow suggests a way to tackle the problem. 
 18 Jul 2011

Filters: The hidden costs of dust accumulation

An effective industrial air cleaning system can help bring costs down, maintain product quality, reduce wear and tear on machinery and improve air quality, says Louise Harris. 
 18 Jul 2011

Refrigerants: Flushed with success

Flushing agents can help reduce overall energy costs as well as extend the lifespan of air conditioning systems, says John Ormerod. 
 14 Jun 2011

Air Conditioning World: Horror stories from the air conditioning vaults

With a team of inspectors currently visiting hundreds of firms across the south, energyTeam has a unique perspective on the common mistakes and omissions that are compromising air conditioning efficiency and costing British business dearly, according to Brian Rickerby. 
 14 Jun 2011

Air Conditioning World: Hospital ac takes gas route

An air conditioning system powered by natural gas engines is said to be providing low carbon cooling and heating at Scunthorpe General Hospital. The system uses seven Sanyo gas-powered heat pump (GHP) chillers to supply chilled water to air handling units serving a suite of operating theatres. 
 14 Jun 2011
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