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Building maintenance just got simpler...

M&E contractors are being challenged more than ever by the need to cut costs and the building and engineering services sector is under increasing pressure to create optimum maintenance regimes that prevent the under or over-maintaining of assets. Andrew Green explains how the development of the SFG20 technical standards web service supports the need for change 
 3 Jan 2013

Temperature control by humidification

Humidity control can control more than just humidity, says John Barker 
 3 Jan 2013

Distance learning...

Specifying the correct absorption distance for a humidifier is essential if wet and dripping ductwork is to be avoided as Andie Chessun explains 
 3 Jan 2013

Cutting the cost of humidification

There are several options for reducing humidifier operating costs while maintaining control. David Marshall-George explains 
 3 Jan 2013

What drives choice over pipe materials?

Cost still reigns supreme as the main determining factor in the specification of piping systems. However, it isn't just the cost of the material itself, but the cost of the overall installation that needs to be calculated. Chris Ricketts explains how value engineering is shaping trends in piping sales and how money is being saved onsite 
 3 Jan 2013

Maintaining healthy pipes

Preventing Legionella infections in building services systems - including pipework systems - is a top health and safety priority. Des Dolan discusses how 
 3 Jan 2013

Make sure you perform a delicate balancing act

Effective circuit balancing is a key to improving HVAC system operation and control and maximising efficiencies, according to David L. Hudson
 3 Jan 2013

Whose job is it to be efficient?

With such a great emphasis on energy efficiency in the industry today, change has become inevitable. Changes are being seen in the way products are being made, how they work, the results they produce and how they are managed. Does this mean that what we once all knew and felt comfortable with now can't work anymore as it isn't sustainable enough? And, if so, how are users going to keep up with all these rapid changes? Martin Lowe discusses 
 3 Jan 2013

Wireless sensors offer sustainable control

Innovation in wireless sensor technology boosts sustainability, helps create a more efficient control system and saves installation time and cost, says Alan Braybrook 
 3 Jan 2013

Going underground makes perfect sense

Building services are the single most adapted elements of a building during its lifetime. Glan Blake-Thomas explains how underfloor air conditioning helps solve spatial, comfort and energy efficiency issues in renovating existing commercial buildings 
 10 Dec 2012

Next refrigerant generation: Painting the big picture

With the expected phase out of HCFC refrigerants there is much debate as to which refrigerant is best placed to replace the ones in common usage today. Graham Wright says energy efficiency is the key to the right choice 
 10 Dec 2012

Get set for change as the ErP Directive takes effect

Marc Diaz looks at the impact the directive will have on improving energy efficiency in the air conditioning and heat pump industry 
 10 Dec 2012

Lessons in combustion

Three recent chimney projects illustrate how flues can help in educational establishments 
 10 Dec 2012

Testing times for ever more complex chimney systems

Ensuring safety, reliability and CE compliance as well as enabling continuous development of prefabricated chimney and exhaust systems requires comprehensive test facilities like those employed by SFL Flues & Chimneys 
 10 Dec 2012

The challenge of change

Challenges facing the HVAC indutry range from rapidly changing legislation to advances in communication technology. HVR sought the views of Powrmatic managing director Phil Brompton 
 10 Dec 2012

Airvent contributes to FIRAS

Airvent has contributed to the development of the the fire safety accreditation scheme FIRAS, which aims to set a minimum industry standard for the installation and maintenance of smoke control systems. 
 10 Dec 2012

Ventilation control - the options explained

Achieving optimum efficiency of mechanical ventilation systems relies heavily on how effectively the fans are controlled. Alasdair Howie explores some of the control options 
 10 Dec 2012

If you can't stand the heat... replace the ventilation

In today's tough economic climate, commercial kitchens are keen to reduce costs to weather the stormy recession. David Cook explains how updating ventilation with energy efficient fans is a real business opportunity for contractors 
 10 Dec 2012

Heat pumps set for growth?

While it may be too early to speak of a turnaround, the underlying trend in heat pumps suggests a market in recovery, according to the European Heat Pump Association  
 10 Dec 2012

Spreading the word about the value of heat pumps

Eight companies in the UK heat pump sector have jointly set out a vision for how industry and Government can achieve a radical decarbonising of residential heating in the UK by 2030. They have called for fundamental regulatory reform to enable 6.8m heat pumps by 2030 
 10 Dec 2012
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