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Make the most of controls

Controls are powerful allies in the fight against high carbon emissions and inefficient energy usage. M&E contractors can have a significant influence over how controls are specified so it is incumbent upon them to gain an understanding of this critical technology, says Ian Ellis
 7 Mar 2013

We are all connected now

Innovation and ingenuity are helping to save money and save energy in the social housing sector, according to Peter Gammon
 7 Mar 2013

Delivering efficiency through tight control

Whether appraising current assets, planning the renovation of existing systems or procuring a new building, a considered heating control strategy is essential to delivering efficient and effective operation. Paul Hardy examines the opportunities 
 7 Mar 2013

Bringing the curtain down on high energy costs

Energy-saving equipment is high on the wish-list of most retailers, says Phil Chilton, and air curtains offer a great opportunity for installers to help their customers reduce energy bills 
 7 Mar 2013

Flue dilution systems - a lot of hot air?

The inner workings of flue dilution systems needn't be viewed as a 'dark art'. Bob Sharples explains why flue dilution is still a viable option to discharge CO2 safely at low level 
 7 Mar 2013

Why it will pay you to take hold of the LPG reins

Many businesses in off-gas areas are calling upon heating contractors and consultants to help them take stock of their carbon outputs, review their energy use and reassess their heating systems. Lee Gannon explains the heating choices available to contractors looking to help businesses choose a new system 
 7 Mar 2013

Industry-wide district heating quality standard call

The director of a manufacturer of pre-insulated pipe systems used for district heating has called for an industry-wide system of quality standards 
 7 Mar 2013

The real differentiator is customer service

Nowadays, product quality is a given in the air conditioning sector. So what can manufacturers do to differentiate themselves from their competitors? Zubair Ali has an answer 
 7 Mar 2013

Heat recovery is key to building efficiency

As energy costs rocket, heat recovery offers a major opportunity to cut running costs and deliver a high quality environment for building occupants, says David Dunn 
 7 Mar 2013

More LEV pressure needed to solve health problems

Poor ventilation of work spaces has left employees in many industries exposed to unacceptable levels of airborne contaminants, according to the Building & Engineering Services Association (B&ES) 
 7 Mar 2013

Laundry room threat to health and wealth

Laundry rooms pose a significant health and fire risk if ventilation extract ductwork is not regularly maintained and cleaned. Darren Ling explains the risks facing hospitals, hotels, prisons and other commercial premises and why regular cleaning is essential 
 7 Mar 2013

Ductwork guide boosts performance

ADCAS is recommending a new BSRIA guide which has been created to help clarify confusion surrounding flexible ductwork and improve building performance. 
 7 Mar 2013

Manufacturers worry over confusion about CE mark

Manufacturers of building services equipment are concerned about the potential confusion created by the start of compulsory CE marking later this year, says David Fitzpatrick 
 6 Mar 2013

Sustainable focus for the 'green' show

Ecobuild is established as the major show for companies keen to show off their eco-friendly products and services. Here, we highlight some of the major players that plan to exhibit there 
 13 Feb 2013

Are you ready for auto-enrolment of pensions?

Employers need to prepare for 11 million people in the UK requiring pension contributions due to the new law on auto-enrolment. And, despite predictions that there will be a large opt out rate from auto-enrolment, a recent study published by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) revealed that 70 per cent of employees will remain in a pension scheme and begin saving for retirement under the auto-enrolment system. 
 12 Feb 2013

It's time to embrace BIM

Most people have heard of BIM, but many are not sure quite what it is or how it might affect them. If this sounds familiar, it's time to find out more says Mark Tindall 
 12 Feb 2013

A question of balance...

Chris Dearden believes in adopting a balanced approach to every aspect of his business. The md of Medem is also passionate about the need to take the long view rather than relying on short-term, stop-gap measures to tackle the recession. Ian Vallely reports 
 12 Feb 2013

PICC valves - don't shoot the messenger

The quicker the industry accepts the shortcomings of the past and embraces new technologies like PICC valves, the quicker our buildings will reach their full potential and deliver what is promised, says Peter Lowther 
 12 Feb 2013

When it comes to fan coils, EC does it

The ubiquitous fan coil has received a tremendous boost from the development of EC motors and clever concepts such as pressure independence. Andrew Sargent explains some key features of this new breed of fan coil systems and how flexible they have become. 
 12 Feb 2013

Construct the cleaning routine of the future

It is essential to look ahead to how ductwork will be cleaned and maintained when designing and installing each system. Gary Nicholls explains why. 
 12 Feb 2013
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