Throughout June the HSE will be running a month long inspection initiative focusing on the respiratory risks to construction workers from exposure to dust.
Until 1st July, inspections will be taking place focusing on dust control, checking employers and workers know the risks, and that work is planned using the right controls.
Organisations of all types and sizes will be visited to check appropriate measures are in place to protect workers health from exposure to dust.
Workers must ensure they wear masks when carrying out works on site. This is whilst using tools, cleaning duct systems and if working in a dusty environment.
• Dust particles can be 100 times smaller than a grain of sand. You don’t need to see them to breathe them in. Once in your lungs, dust will start causing damage.
• Exposure to dust can lead to severe breathing difficulties and lung diseases that can ruin lives and cause an early death.
• It can take years before the damage is visible and by then it can be too late. Make sure you are aware of the risks and work in ways that always protect your lung health.
Workers can re-read the Toolbox Talks PPE Personal Protective Equipment and Face Fitting Masks attached available in the Big Change Library.