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Hoval’s UltraGas 2 is ‘hydrogen-ready’

The UltraGas 2 range, Hoval’s latest generation of gas condensing boilers, offers the option of using hydrogen as an alternative fuel to natural gas to help reduce carbon emissions. Moreover, gas-fired models that are installed now can easily be converted to hydrogen in the future. UltraGas® 2 is also compatible with biomethane.

Hoval general manager Ian Dagley explained: “Whilst technologies such as heat pumps offer opportunities to reduce the use of fossil fuels, it is clear that combustion will continue to be the only viable option for many heating applications. In ensuring our boilers are hydrogen-ready we are enabling end users to meet zero carbon aspirations without compromising on the performance of their heating systems.”

Thanks to the standardised Hoval TopTronic E controller, UltraGas® 2 boilers can be easily combined with any type of heat generator and solar energy system to create hybrid systems that deliver optimum efficiency with minimal emissions. With a maximum operating temperature of 95°C they are ideal for use in district heating/heat networks.

Efficiency is also inherent in the UltraGas 2 design. For instance, the patented Hoval TurboFer® heat exchanger uses injection technology to generate turbulence and boost efficiency, while high and low temperature return flow, a large water capacity and the Ultraclean® combustion system combine to deliver unparalleled performance.

UltraGas 2 models are available with output ratings from 125kW to 1550kW (250kW to 3,100kW as a double boiler), and in 10 bar versions for 720, 1100 and 1550kW units. Ease of installation has been a key element in the design, so there is no need for system components such as a circulating pump or hydraulic separator. The amount of pipework in the TurboFer®heat exchangers has also been reduced to minimise weight, resulting in a lightweight, compact design.

25 January 2022


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