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Beware of rogue trainers says PHIA

PLUMBERS, fitters and electricians must be wary of rogue trainers charging large sums of money for 'fast track' training says the Plumbing and Heating Industry Alliance.
Beware of rogue trainers says PHIA
Rogue trainers are widening their field of fake expertise by entering the electrician training sector, says the organisation.

PHIA says the recognised industry standard is a National Vocational or Scottish Vocational Qualification (NVQ/SVQ) at level three.

The bogus training courses on offer for heating, plumbing, electrical wiring installations and other allied engineering services last only a few weeks and are offered at a cost that is not worth paying says PHIA.

PHIA and the Heating and Ventilating Contractors Association are just two of the institutional bodies voicing concern.

'It was extremely disappointing to hear that government cannot legislate against what they call free market practice,' said Chris Neath, chairman of PHIA.

'They do not condone such organisations for what is seen as immoral though not an illegal activity.

'Therefore, we have to take our responsibility very seriously in taking action against these organisations with any means at our disposal'.

PHIA is working with the Trading Standards Institute to try to raise awareness about rogue trainers.
28 August 2007


By MR D.
28 August 2007 01:01:00
Maybe a list of said known rogue trainers would help to divert possible trade from them to the correct path of training... or is this to much to expect?
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