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Adveco extends range of buffers vessels for heating projects

Choosing the right cylinder is a surprisingly important facet of a heating or hot water project, especially as commercial buildings begin the transition from gas to electricity to reduce their carbon footprint. The size of the building, the number of occupants, and the type of activities that will be taking place, how the cylinder is to be used and the form of heat energy input, especially if lower temperature renewables, all have an impact on the forma and size of the cylinder that needs to be specified for the application.

Cylinders, employed for both direct or indirect heating or as a thermal store, the ‘buffer’, effectively act as the ‘battery’ of your more sustainable hot water and heating applications. Central heating applications in commercial grade buildings are a prime example where an inertia tank or energy storage vessel is required to support multiple return flow temperatures or multiple heat sources, such as renewables or low- and high-grade heaters. Buffer tanks therefore come in a wide range of sizes, typically from 300 to 5,000 litres, with bespoke tanks offering even larger storage options covering truly large commercial demands.

Hot water specialist, Adveco, is pleased to announce an extension to its range of buffer vessels for commercial heating applications.

In addition to the premium MSS range of carbon steel shell primary system buffers, Adveco has introduced the all new MSB range of standard carbon steel tanks. The MSB range features numerous high-, mid-, and low-level connections to ensure compatibility with almost any heating application. These tappings enable the tanks to be used with multiple return flow temperatures or multiple heat sources including glycol fluid based systems for solar and heat pump installations.

The MSB range includes buffer vessels with capacities from 300L to 5,000L. All tanks are rated to 3 bar as standard and for temperatures up to 95°C. There are additional options for vessels up to 6 bar working pressure for projects based on higher pressure systems such as buildings with multiple storeys and basement plant rooms.,

For projects demanding higher system pressure, MSS tanks offer 6 bar working pressure as standard with options available to 10 bar for the most demanding applications. With ten models available based on capacity (300, 500, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 4000 and 5000 litre) all featuring four large flanged main connections and four threaded connections as standard MSS provides maximum compatibly making it ideal for any commercial heating or cooling application. Designed with a maximum height of 2.2metres to fit into most plant rooms, MSS vessels are ideal for packaged plant supply which often has limited head room. Three internal baffle plates aid stratification, and eight sensor pockets positioned at various levels enable accurate readings and simple BMS or controls integration. A wide range of direct electric immersion heaters for increased heating power or backup options can also be fitted into the clean-out inspection flange.

Adveco's new MSB Buffers are available now from 300 to 2,000 litres and can be delivered to your project within one month of ordering.

17 August 2023


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