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Specflue opens training centre

Specflue will be opening Britain's biggest, dedicated HETAS training facility at their head office in Sudbury, Suffolk.
On Friday March 11, the centre will open for business providing engineers with training to become HETAS engineers, with the appropriate qualifications and installation techniques to safely install wood burning stoves, fit flue systems, carry out appropriate maintenance and gain information on the stove and flue industry.

The training centre will officially be opened by Richard Hiblen, national sales manager for Specflue alongside the Mayor of Sudbury, councillor Peter Goodchild and a representative from the Suffolk fire brigade at 12pm on the day.

Mr Hiblen commented: 'We are thrilled to announce that the training facility has now been completed. There are many concerns within the industry at the moment that thousands of stoves and chimneys are being illegally installed into properties by unqualified engineers. We are working alongside HETAS to ensure that these figures are dramatically reduced in future by giving those within the industry already or builders wishing to qualify as an engineer a chance to learn in a controlled environment where strict rules and regulations apply.'

He continued: 'In the public's mind it is assumed that many home builders or self-employed handymen are capable of installing stoves and chimneys, however that really isn't the case. Just like employing someone within Corgi/Gas Safe for gas or Part P Certified for electrics within the home, stoves and chimneys have the same rules and it is in fact illegal to install a stove without a HETAS qualification. We are hoping that our training facility will open the eyes of many builders who don't have the qualification to see just how much they are putting lives as risk by agreeing to home installations.'

Phil Embury, assistant chief fire officer, also said: 'Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service would encourage any householder not to take any chances and insist that any person carrying out work on their stoves or chimneys are HETAS qualified. Incorrectly installed equipment can lead to fires and leaks of poisonous gases leading to severe damage or loss of life.'

For more information on HETAS training courses at the Specflue training centre visit:
25 February 2011


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