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Commercial Heating: Low carbon solutions for communal heating systems

Yan Evans, technical director of Andrews Water Heaters and Potterton Commercial, explains how the use of commercial boilers and mini-combined heat and power (CHP) can be harmonised to deliver low carbon heating and hot water solutions. 
 1 Mar 2010

Commercial Heating: Will your firm benefit from energy efficiency scheme?

The CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme will have a huge impact on large business energy users. Whether this is positive or negative depends on how good companies are at saving energy and cutting emissions. Mark Northcott, director of commercial products at Remeha, explains. 
 1 Mar 2010

Commercial Heating: Offsite is this year's hot topic

More heating engineers are turning to offsite pre-fabrication to help them hit sustainability targets, says David Dutch, technical director of offsite fabrication manufacturer Ormandy Group. 
 1 Mar 2010

Commercial Heating: New thinking for lower carbon buildings

Such has been the pace of innovation in air con, it must be difficult for consultants and contractors to stay up with the latest systems' capabilities. But the search for a low carbon solution is not just about choosing the right air conditioning product. John Durbin, Daikin UK's engineering department manager, explains. 
 1 Mar 2010

Commercial Heating: Lochinvar supplies water heating for cystic fibrosis unit

A new extension to a specialist Cystic Fibrosis unit will have plentiful supplies of hot water, thanks to leading boiler and water heater manufacturer Lochinvar. 
 1 Mar 2010

Commercial Heating: All in good working order

Even when it has been designed for maximum efficiency and installed by experts the system is not yet ready to be signed off. Pete Mills, technical service manager of Buderus, considers the importance of commissioning. 
 1 Mar 2010

Ventilation: First, draught proof the building...

Gillian Allder, director, Draught Proofing Advisory Association, urges developers and facilities managers to start at the beginning - with draught proofing. 
 1 Mar 2010

Ventilation: Industrial ventilation... it's free!

Proper ventilation is essential to maintaining good air quality in any environment. There's no excuse for poor air circulation, especially since, when integrated with the heating system, ventilation is free, as Keith Sprague of Nordair Niche explains. 
 1 Mar 2010

Ventilation: Where next for ventilation technology?

Don Spearman, managing director at Xpelair Ventilation Solutions, looks at what's in store for 2010. 
 1 Mar 2010

Burning Issue: Air in the system wastes time and money

Having been a contractor earlier in life, Bryan Barlow of Spirotech knows first hand the problems of trying to commission wet systems and obtain repeatable readings to achieve hand over. The commissioning period had to be extended as a direct result of there being air in the system. 
 1 Mar 2010

Company Profile: Advanced Air gears up for the needs of the future

Paul Braithwaite talks to Andrew Sargent, general manager of Advanced Air, about the burgeoning company, its expanding range of products and how he intends to change to meet the needs of the future. 
 1 Mar 2010

Contractor Interview: Ductbusters goes that extra mile... has to because of the length of some of the ducting it cleans. Dermott Quinn, managing director of Ductbusters, and sales director Ian Wall, talk about the origins of the company, training for its operatives and keeping the customers happy. Paul Braithwaite reports from Halesowen. 
 1 Mar 2010

Information Overload: Too many are called but few are properly chosen

Ian Mills talks to two former ADCAS presidents who see the digital age bringing in too many tenderers as well as too much information. 
 1 Mar 2010

Editorial: Are we due for a listening government?

I was talking to my accountant recently as I had to get my tax forms in pdq. He was telling me about a plumbing firm client which had gone bust. The owner had tried everything. He had been buying bathroom equipment from France and when the Euro and Sterling had changed places he was in trouble. 
 18 Feb 2010

Ant Wilson: We need energy to survive, but not too much

We need energy to survive but using too much of it will mean that we do not and we have got to move away from the traditional fuels which we have always used. 
 18 Feb 2010

Health & Safety Matters: New safety scheme will slash pre-qual costs

A new system of mutual recognition between previously competing health & safety schemes is a welcome boost to contractors' finances, says Bob Towse, head of technical and safety at the HVCA. 
 18 Feb 2010

Information Overload: it can be overcome

Ian Mills talks to one leading contractor who recognises the problem of information overload and takes steps to prevent it. 
 18 Feb 2010

Contractor Interview: Suicidal bidding worries Shepherds' boss

Peter Lewis, chief operating officer of Shepherd Engineering Services, says there are good opportunities out there despite the recession but suicidal tendering tactics are a constant threat. 
 18 Feb 2010

Company Profile: Pipe Center goes for the modular approach

HVR talks to Bob Hughes, general manager of Pipe Centre’s Modular Engineering, about offsite pre-fabrication and asks why his division is growing apace along with the market. 
 18 Feb 2010

Burning Issue: Give us the support and we will stop the cowboys

Graeme Fox, managing director of Specialist Mechanical Services and a director of AREA, looks at the review of the F-gas regulation and calls on government to beef up the policing. 
 18 Feb 2010
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