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Mansfield Pollard welcomes work experience student

Mansfield Pollard has opened the doors of its Bradford Headquarters to an inspiring student from Skipton Girls’ High School so she can gain valuable work experience.

Kezia Brown, who is 17, worked to a specially designed timetable so she could experience as many aspects of engineering and the day-to-day running of the firm, as possible.

She was given the opportunity to work in a different department each week including design, project management, HR and purchasing, where she engaged in a number of activities and was able to try her hand at various tasks.

Kezia who is studying engineering, maths, art and psychology said: “I am really interested in a career in engineering so having this experience was a fantastic chance to see what it is like working at one of the region’s top manufacturing firms. 

“My time there helped develop my engineering knowledge and analytical skills, and all of the staff were so friendly and helpful that I really felt like part of the team by the end of the work experience.”

Mansfield Pollard managing director Joanna Robinson said: “With a recognised shortage of skilled engineers in the UK workforce, it is incumbent upon the engineering industry to inform and promote the exciting opportunities and rewards that the engineering profession can offer. By welcoming students like Kezia we are able to provide a realistic engineering experience and allow students to learn about the diversity and vitality of engineering, work with active professional engineers and develop an understanding of collaborative working.”

She continued: 'As well as working with Skipton Girls’ High School, I have also set up social enterprise STEER with three other female built environment professionals with the objective to connect the world of education to industry by guiding, mentoring and supporting undergraduates through the transition. 

“I believe, along with the other members of the STEER team, that we have a responsibility to educate and inspire students and motivate them to explore the varied and exciting career opportunities within the built environment and engineering. We are committed to connect the world of education to industry by guiding, mentoring and supporting university undergraduates with the transition.

'So far we have five students enrolled on the STEER Development Programme, and they have been matched with an industry expert STEER mentor, who will guide and support them.'

For more information please contact

6 December 2016


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