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Fridgenius Ltd
Fridgenius specialise in designing and distributing specialist hand tools for professional service and maintenance engineers in Refrigeration, Air-conditioning, Water, Oil and other installations.

The Solenoid Valve Operating Magnet has been designed and manufactured by Fridgenius to solve the problem of how to operate Solenoid Valves when a system is not under power. The Magnet is the same shape and size of a large cotton reel and, when placed on top of a Solenoid Valve with the coil removed, it causes the armature to open or close.

This means that the device can be used to operate valves in a plant or system which has yet to be wired up. It eliminates the need to wire up the system or worry about the correct voltages. It can also be used when recovering refrigerant from a plant which has already been decommissioned and power removed. In emergencies, such as the failure of a Solenoid Valve coil, it can also be used to keep a system operating while a replacement coil is found.

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Mr Chris Slydel

31 Vokes Close,
SO19 8BN

Telephone: 02380 323745
Fax: 01202 881718

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